About me


I began working with stained glass in 2018 through learning traditional window crafting techniques along with repair & restoration practices. Having just started showing my work at local galleries in 2021, I've created this website to be more accesible to those both near and far that may not have the ability to see my work in person.

Though I define myself as self taught, all that I've learned goes with many thanks and aknowledmgent to the information I've recieved from various artists, all at different places and stages in their relationships with glass. The stream of knowledge that comes with learning this craft is deep, and I intend to keep filling my cup.

Current/Past Gallerys & Shows

Living while Marginalized - Penticton Art Gallery 2021

Cowichan Valley Fine Arts Show - Cowichan Performing Arts Center 2021

Colour Theory - ECAH (victoria), Massey Arts (vancouver), Wilfred Johns (victoria) 2021

Find my smaller works in person 

Cowichan Green Community

Nightmare Oasis

To see more of what goes into my process, semi-regular updates, and smaller items that might not make it onto here, please find me on instagram: @leadlight.vagrant

For customs, repair inquiries, and anything else please email me through my CONTACT PAGE
